Horseback Riding Through the Mendoza Malbec Vineyards

On our only Sunday together here in Mendoza with Jack, he picked the greatest activity of all time: touring Malbec vineyards on horseback!

We thought there will be eight people on the tour group, but we were pleasantly surprised when the owner himself of Trout and Wine picked us up from our Airbnb. Instant private tour!

First stop was at Rancho Viejo, where we would be riding these horses through Malbec vineyards!

First stop was at Rancho Viejo, where we would be riding these horses through Malbec vineyards!

Mendoza Chocolate Festival and the Potrerillos Dam

For our first weekend here in Mendoza, Argentina, we wanted to drive around to see more of the countryside. Alex’s friend Jack is here for two weeks so we wanted to make the most out of it!

Mendoza is surrounded by mountain ranges on one side

Mendoza is surrounded by mountain ranges on one side

Ended 2021 in Machu Picchu

I have been meaning to blog about our experience of Machu Picchu from last year, but the internet was so slow in Ushuaia that I really just lost all motivation.

Currently, we are in Mendoza, Argentina which is located west of Buenos Aires. We are staying here for three weeks, to experience the Argentine wine country (hey it’s the source of Malbec wines!) and maybe go up snowy mountains again.

The good news is, our internet connection is ten times faster than Ushuaia! I can finally import, export, upload, and write about our Machu Picchu experience. I hope I remember as much details as I can though…

We were spending the last few weeks of 2021 in Peru, staying in its capital Lima. Since covid was still raging, we were very careful not to go out as much, and to have our masks on if we do need to go out to minimize the chances of getting covid.

We didn’t have plans yet for New Year’s, so I suggested to Alex that we should go check out Machu Picchu! And what did he do? He researched and booked everything so we can have a memorable end of year memory! :)

Note: These photos were from my iPhone 11, so not as high quality as the most recent posts. Just wanted to let you know…

How beautiful! This is the view from our Airbnb when we arrived. Elevation was pretty high so it was cold.

How beautiful! This is the view from our Airbnb when we arrived. Elevation was pretty high so it was cold.

Patagonian Roadtrip

For our last few days in Ushuaia, we decided to rent a car to see more places. From our experience, walking to a taxi stand takes about twenty minutes – and this is in freezing temp and through some slippery, icy roads.

We planned to go to the Tierra del Fuego National Park, but we were advised not to proceed at the park’s entrance. We needed four winter tires, not just the two we had in front. They were looking out for us, as some parts of the paths became icy from the snow a few days before.

And so to make the most of our time with the car, and to photograph more sceneries, we decided to go on a Patagonian road trip!

Being surrounded by these mountains really gives a feeling of wonder and appreciation for the Earth we live in

Being surrounded by these mountains really gives a feeling of wonder and appreciation for the Earth we live in

Train at the End of the World

Most of what we see here in Ushuaia markets itself as the ‘_____ at the end of the world’, and most of the time, they are right!

Ushuaia - where almost everything is the end of the world

Ushuaia - where almost everything is the end of the world